تدويل Internationalize 使国际化 your SAP BW

Übersetzung SAP BW mit dem Translation Steward

Communication is key. However, if the SAP system of a multinational company is only maintained in one language, a developer in India might have to decipher German object descriptions or a local Hungarian IT department might find themselves struggling to cooperate with the Spanish headquarters. This makes cooperation much more difficult and slows down effectiveness. Translating each description manually would take forever. Fortunately, there is a user-friendly abbreviation for SAP BW: The Translation Steward.

Translate your SAP BW system with the Translation Steward.

The Translation Steward is the most user-friendly and fastest software for the international alignment of your SAP BW system. He translates object descriptions automatically and intelligently into every available language of your SAP BW system. Language barriers in multinational companies are thus a thing of the past.

Easy overview of all existing and missing descriptions

Easy overview of all existing and missing descriptions in SAP BW

List the object descriptions in all available languages of your BW system as well as dependent objects to check where translations are missing.

Convenient mass translation outside SAP BW

Convenient mass translation outside SAP BW

Translate single missing descriptions manually immediately, or use the dictionary for mass translation: Integrate all object descriptions in the dictionary and export it with just one click into a clearly arranged Excel document. You can then pass it on to a translation agency, for example.

Convenient transfer to SAP BW - at the push of a button

Convenient transfer to SAP BW - at the push of a button

The dictionary is intelligent and ensures that translations are suggested from now on if object descriptions are missing. You can now transfer the newly translated object descriptions to your SAP BW system with a simple click. The changed objects can just as easily be written to a transport request, so that the changes can also be transferred to other systems.

Got curious? Test the Translation Steward for free now!

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