Schedule a personal web session …
Lean back and experience our software with all its functions in an individual web session. For many aha-moments and the realization: Our products make your everyday work life much easier. We adjust the web session individually to your needs and answer your questions in peace. This is of course free of charge for you.
… or select a date in the webinar calendar.
Several times a month, we offer free webinars that focus on making your everyday work in Business Intelligence easier. These seminars cover basic aspects and concepts for working with SAP more efficiently as well as concrete tips and tricks on how the products of the Performer Suite can help you with specific questions. In webinars you have the opportunity to ask us questions via the chat function. Participation is non-binding – simply select the webinars that interest you here:
Recorded Sessions
You missed a webinar or you are curious for which use cases our products are suitable in everyday work? On our YouTube channel you will find all our webinars as a recording.