
bluetelligence GmbH
Marktstraße 10
65183 Wiesbaden

Tel +49 (0)611 167790 40
Fax +49 (0)611 711 810 14

Hub of the company: Wiesbaden
UST ID Nr.: DE258450435
District Court: Wiesbaden | HRB 23397
Executive Board: Torsten Schmidt

Responsible for the content acoording § 55 RStV: Torsten Schmidt, Marktstraße 10, 65183 Wiesbaden

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All published content of bluetelligence GmbH website is carefully examined for its accuracy. However, errors may be included inadvertently. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness and topicality of contents. Likewise, we are not responsible for all externally hyperlinked websites and their contents. The hyperlink does not represent any recommendation on our behalf of these websites, their operating enterprises or their products. We are not responsible for the contents of the hyperlinked websites, which are neither selected nor modified by us. At the time of the providing the hyperlink, we cannot guarantee that the linked website is free of illegal content. Since we have no influence on the provided hyperlinked website, we dissociate ourselves expressly from any current or future content changes by the respective provider. As soon as we receive knowledge of any illegal contents, those references are deleted by us. bluetelligence GmbH reserves the right to make changes, edits, deletions or additions to any information already placed online. bluetelligence GmbH is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages as a result of using any information found or developed at this website. By using our website, no consulting or service relationship is established. Any rights and obligations between bluetelligence GmbH and the user of our website or any other third party do not exist.


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© 2020 bluetelligence GmbH.


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