The SAP guide to your data jungle

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In large companies, Business Intelligence can sometimes become a jungle: Diverse systems that have grown over the years and a confusing number of different objects that are all somehow interwoven. If you want to stay agile here, you have to keep your orientation and recognize connections right away. In order not to lose any time, we provide you with a dedicated company – meet the System Scout.
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If anyone knows what's going on in SAP, it's the System Scout.

The System Scout is the most competent software for the efficient analysis and maintenance of your SAP Business Analytics landscape. With his help you can easily maintain an overview of your SAP BW, SAP BO, SAP BPC, SAP HANA, ERP and SAC metadata, handle housekeeping effortlessly and can reliably estimate the effects of changes. 

Oversee the Business Intelligence - from the BO report to the data source

Oversee the Business Intelligence - from the SAP BO report to the data source

Easily visualize complex data flows of entire applications and data models. View the mapping of objects using Data Lineage and make cross-system object comparisons.

This allows you to understand the structure and correlations of your metadata at a glance – an ideal starting point for starting analyses.

Where-Used Analyses to anticipate the consequences of changes

Where-Used Analyses in SAP to anticipate the consequences of changes

Get a quick answer to the question, what a certain change request would imply: Use a where-used list to identify dependencies between objects exist. Perform an ABAP or SQL script scan to search the code for specific statements. 

In this way, you can be sure that change requests do not have unwanted consequences.

Effortless SAP Housekeeping

Effortless SAP Housekeeping

List objects or reports of transport requests at the push of a button to ensure that the naming conventions are consistent. Perform a cross-system inventory of numerous object types and identify when certain objects were last called and loaded.

In this way, you can quickly free your systems of legacy objects, improve their performance, and make daily work with them easier.

There's much more that the System Scout can do!

Learn here, what SAP products and object types System Scout supports.
If you would like to get on overview of all functions (e.g. Mapping Analysis, Where Used-List or Data Flow Analysis), 
our User Manual will help you:

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